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Terms & Conditions

Terms – Conditions Of Use

1) Terms reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew the present terms and conditions of transactions, which are made through its online store, according to its needs and transactional traditions. undertakes the obligation to inform the users for any modifications as well as for any change, through the website of this online store.

2) Services & Products is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided in the online store, both in terms of the exact data displayed and the services provided, subject to any technical or typographical errors that can not to be predicted or have occurred unintentionally or interruptions of the website due to force majeure.

3) Limited Liability is not liable to customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order.

It is also reserved as to the time of delivery of the goods in cases of force majeure. The online store can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the timely information of the final consumers about their non-availability.

The online store provides the content (eg information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products and services available through the website “exactly as they are”.

In no case is the online store of responsible for any claims of legal or civil and / or criminal nature or for any damage (positive, special or negative which is indicative and not restrictive, divisive and / or cumulative consists of loss of profits , data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) by visitors of the website or third parties due to a reason related to the operation or not and / or use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available from it and / or any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and / or services and / or information available through it.

4) Intellectual Property Rights
These websites are the official online store of the company under the name TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION. All content of the website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.

Any copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of production work or misleading the public about the actual content provider of the website is prohibited. Reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION or any other legal owner of the above copyrights.

The names, images, logos and insignia that represent TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION and / or its online store and / or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive marks and insignia of TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION and / and and / or the above third parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property. In any case, their appearance and display on the website and in the online store of TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

4) Responsibility of the User
The users of the website accept that they will not use the TROULLINOS MEN’S FASHION online store for sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in any other way any Content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, slanderous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, violates someone else’s privacy, shows hate, or expresses racial, ethnic, or other discrimination, may harm minors in any way, may not be transmitted in accordance with law or contractual or managerial relationships internal information, property and confidential information obtained or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or covered by confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right.

Return Policy – Cancellations

In case one of the products we sent you does not work for you, we can change it for you within 10 days of receiving it.

In order to make any change, the product will need to be sent to us in the condition received, in any way the customer wishes and then inform us (by phone or e-mail) about the replacement of the product.

Return costs are borne by the customer.

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